Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The Super Bowl is notable as one of the most-viewed television events in American culture, and accordingly features the best that ad executives can dream up to throw at us. This year featured a one-second ad for Miller High Life, Hulu.com's declaration of evil, a shitload of talking E-Trade babies, and, in what I can only take as a sign of the times, an ad for Cash4Gold, a scam-laden company that rifles through desperate peoples' jewelry and sends them pittances. Not very Super.

In more alarming news, a company called Cyberdyne, named after (apparently?) the firm in Terminator 2 that creates the Skynet AI that ends up destroying civilization and exterminating most of humanity, has released a robotic exoskeleton, Robot Suit HAL. So you've got not one, but two alarming pop culture evil robot references there. Judgment Day cometh.

And apparently someone threw a shoe at Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier. How uncreative.


Dalbanese said...

hahaha. This article (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090203/ap_on_re_as/as_china_britain_shoe_3) points out that most forum comments re:shoes in China were deleted, except those nationalistic in tone:

' "The uncompromising Iraqi people threw a shoe at Bush which is a brave act by a suppressed nation," said one comment on the tiexue.net bulletin board. "But the ugly Englishman threw a shoe at Wen, which was only a barbaric trick." '

In other news, I'm scared about Hal and the impending birth of Skynet. Hold me?